Thursday, 12 September 2013

Week 7- Video Games and Tutorial Tasks

Video games are a way that people can experience new and exciting challenges and adventures, defying death without the worry of actual death from the comfort of our own home or video game arcade. 
I found this website that is a basic timeline of the history of the Mario games, as a child I used to play a lot of Mario games so I found it interesting to see the evolution of the graphics and story line behind the game itself:

Often it is a bit concerning to read about the adverse health effects that excessive gaming can lead to, 
but you don't often hear about some of the POSITIVE health effects that gaming can lead to! This informative article explains some of the ways that video games can actually add to aspects of your health. Improving motor skills, relieving stress and improving decision making skills are just 3 of the listed benefits of video games.

For the upcoming essay I've chosen to base it around question 3- Though I was originally going to choose the topic question relating to Churn. I decided to change it as I think I can write a better, more concise essay that I would actively enjoying researching and writing. 
  1.  What is communication? Do whales communicate? Do birds? Do atoms? Does DNA communicate? What would you suggest as the limits to communication? When does a failure of human communication occur? 

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