Sunday, 11 August 2013

Week 3 and Tutorial Tasks

This weeks lecture covered a topic that I had never quite properly understood before, Cyberspace. Which has been described as; "The sum of internet users imaginations" (Stockwell, 2013). Whereby, the use of the anonymous Internet, anybody can be just about anyone and you would be none the wiser. As I was beginning to think more about Cyberspace, I thought back to Shannon and Weavers theory of communication  and realized that Cyberspace can be linked to it.
The way the information source (you), uses a transmitter (computer), which uses a channel (the internet/web) to send a message to the reader, (the world of the internet) and finally to the appropriate destination (the person or target audience you intended the message for). The noise factor that intercepts the channel, can be related to other internet users who have contrary or derogative views on your message- trolls.

I also thought about Karl Popper’s words about how reality was split into 3 worlds; the Material world, Subjective Consciousness and Public Structures. And thought about which world mostly related to Cyberspace, the world of the anonymous imagination found, “wherever electricity runs with intelligence.” (Heim). In Popper’s worlds, I think that Cyberspace relates to World 3 most, as it is carries in it many intangible things that we cannot see or touch, such as religion.

One more item of interest I noted was from the tutorial, everyone was engaged in numerous discussions about the internet, once more, internet privacy was brought up and a fellow student showed me a YouTube video. It was The Beast File video
about Google. What was especially thought provoking was that Google has investments in two genetic testing companies! Link is as follows:

This made me think of one of the readings for this week, an article called ‘Mind Control and the Internet’, by Sue Halpern in 2011, which talked about inserting ‘biochips’ into peoples brains so that any information from the internet can be brought directly into our minds.
Why would Google need to know your health history and why would they want to invest in genetic testing companies? There is no reason an internet based company should have interest in those fields. Overall, week 3 of NCT has been the week most filled with curiosity and a search for answers. 

Halpern, S.(2011). Mind Control and The Internet. The New York Review of Books.

Week 3 tutorial task:
1. Which of Stephen Stockwell's books are in the library? 
Stockwell, S.(2005). Political Campaign Strategy: Doing Democracy in The 21st Century. Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.

2. Cite 3 academic books that might provide useful information on Jean- Luc Godard's film Alphaville, on which campuses do they reside?

  • Brody, R. (2008). Everything Is Cinema: The Working Life of Jean-Luc Godard. New York: Metropolitan Books.
    (The two places that book resides are- Southbank and Nathan campuses)
  • Ruberto, L.E & Wilson, K.M. (2007). Italian Neorealism and Global Cinema. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
    (This is available at Nathan Campus)
  • Sanders, S.M.(2008). The Philosophy of Science Fiction Film. Lexington, Ky: University Press of Kentucky.
    (Available at Southbank) 

3. What is a book that will assist you to find out about possible research methods to explore social media? Full citation.

  • Weerakkody, N. (2009). Research Methods for Media and Communication. South Melbourne, Vic: Oxford university Press Australia and New Zealand. 
4. Stephen Stockwell writes about politics and the media, particularly in Australia. What database would you use to find his first academic article about Brisbane in a national journal? What year? Provide a full citation. 
  • I immediately went straight to Google Scholar, typing in; Stephen Stockwell Brisbane
    as I considered that the search would be narrowed down if I used particular search words. The first result that came up caught my eye as it had the word Brisbane in it and it also listed Stephen Stockwell as the author.
    The article citation is as follows:
    Stockwell, S.(1995). The Brisbane Model: Considering A Unique Experiment. Urban Policy and Research. RMIT.

    Stockwell's article starts on page 89 and concludes on page 96 in Urban Policy and Research, volume 13, issue 2. 

5. What is the latest medical thinking about internet addiction? What database did you use? Full citation.

  • At first I used an online medical database called; National Center for Biotechnology Information. Typing into the search bar 'internet addiction' and selecting a particular database called; The results I found there were very brief and I wanted something I could ascertain more information from. So I jumped back onto Google Scholar and punched in 'Internet Addiction' and searched up documents from this year (2013) to eliminate excess and unwanted articles that were older.
    I finally came across an experiment conducted on 35 adolescents, 20 of which had IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder), the purpose of which was to determine whether levels of: anxiety, depressive symptoms, levels of Dopamine, Seratonin levels and Norepinephrine levels differed to the adolescents that did not have IAD. The article deduced that 'increased self-reported anxiety and lower peripheral blood norepinephrine are independently associated with IAD.'
    So there are people, adolescents, out there that have IAD with high levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms than most.
    Citation: Zhang, H. X, Jiang, W.Q. Lin, Z.G, Du, Y.S, Vance, A. (2013). Comparison of Psychological Symptoms and Serum Levels of Neurotransmitters in Shanghai Adolescents with and without Internet Addiction Disorder: A Case-Control Study. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63089

6. What are IT engineers thinking about surveillance cameras? Identify a theme you could write an essay about and cite 3 papers that would be useful.

  • I had a LOT of trouble looking for IT engineers thoughts on surveillance cameras. Results were popping up but they were so very broad and did not show up any engineers thoughts on the cameras. Though one result caught my eye and that was about military drones used for surveillance. There was an online article about a new camera that is 1.8 gigapixels and is so high-definition that you can see people walking down the street waving their arms as they walk, unaware that they are being photographed.
    3 citations that can help with an essay about surveillance drones are:
    - Lee, N. (2013). DARPA's 1.8-gigapixel Cam Touts Surveillance from 20,000 Feet. Engadget.
    - Marcus, J. (2012). Drop The Pilot: Drone Courses Pursued in Search of Security. United States, New Mexico: TSL Education Ltd.
    - Teschner, J. (2013). ON DRONES. United States: Iowa Review. 

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